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Soon, single male and Liuzhe Liang appear together on the inside in the headquarters. At the moment, it was a battle map and BBC are and Fang Shuhong, Liu Yuqing discuss something. Single male shouted report, and then asked: commander, is not a mission? ghd nz BBC looked carefully, there is no answer to this question, but asked: How was break? Single male eyes with round, fist pounding fiercely under his chest and says loudly: restoration! BBC nodded and said: That's good. Come, come look at the map.

Japanese truck wreck,ghd nz sale, not only impede the Japanese retreat, as the battle in depth, but also hindered the garrison army tank through. Wu Keren rushed to the front line when the tank is seeing two groups arranged a slide, where the first scavenger in doing the work, those pushing the truck into the ditch, the latter acts directly from the fort, where once found devils more violent revolt, an artillery shell hit in the past, where directly into flames. One hundred and three divisions and one hundred seventeen divisions of soldiers, because there is a heavy tank gun fire support, plus Wu Keren has issued an onslaught of orders, attack was very fierce.

Japanese resistance was fierce, with trees Gonchar jersey and berm or a corpse dead devils baggage dray teams relying relying three eight cover reliable performance, according to death recalcitrant little devils. One hundred and three divisions of soldiers to participate in such a tragic first fight, after the beginning of the panic and loss flawless, has now been adapted to the battlefield atmosphere. A division of the six groups, two of which is responsible for guarding the artillery regiment, there are four groups, one group firmly in control of the Japanese retreat north of the road, and its ghd three groups and one hundred seventeen divisions, along with tanks from three directions, Tangzhuo rice to the Japanese launched oppressive attack.


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