Friday, April 11, 2014 air max pas cher nqbg

Thank you seniors Bartholomew praise, white ink disturb the offensive, but also hope forgive me a chuckle Lee Mobai Oh, look easy. Lee ink white, Father style of your home, but your home is also an old man, and nike free run then wins and negative, are you sure you can win nike australia ? Stone Castle haha a chuckle. Winning is not important, important is the process, of course, for young people, the result is as important as nike australia nike australia I believe will be a success. Lee Mobai chuckled, Stone Castle did not directly answer it, but it is said that contemporary porcelain.

To get the old stone pointing, white ink is really fortunate, please let us know the old stone. Li air max pas cher Mo Bai Pingjing said. Lee Mobai have to say what you think is good, but it was not easy to achieve, you want to realize your ideas, as long as the win today nike shoes sale, Jumbo Xuan naturally will not let you down, but if you are negative, and on to treasure Hin to achieve your dreams Stone Castle yo said, this is not an invitation, but that Lee Mobai consideration to be paid after the negative. Haha, thank you stone old of her, but now no more than, Mobai not lose it Lee Mobai heard a laugh, the heart you this old man really is interesting, you put nike australia Li Mobai what happens when ah, this has become your bets, it can also make you look good today nike australia if Mobai lucky to win, but also the Pillar Laomo mind.

Then they are on the side of Mo Kim said, Laomo, nike australia both competing for a lifetime, but did not think he was old came nike australia Bogut Court to challenge the younger generation, today's stuff you have seen, and it still is fair ? Mo being heard Kim smiled, you guys are shameless old brother, and young grudge, do not saying so nicely, there I am in here, you have the nerve unfair ? Well, is with this intention. Lee Mobai readily replied, just do not worry about Stone Castle Shuazha. Stone Castle and Mo are gold walking in front of Lee Mobai, mention the road, still good a pedestrian followed, went straight to the conference room, entered the meeting room, Lee Mobai have been in front of the scene to shock a lot, conference room placed in front of the seven porcelain, are covered with red silk, the whole crowded conference room at least hundreds of people, in addition to the front several positions still vacant, the aisles are covered with people.


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