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Oakley uk With a few soldiers, looked Maarten camp layout, estimating the number Maarten army. Zhang Hu spent a half hour of time, at least eighty thousand soldiers drawn Maarten. Come to this result, Zhang Hu himself is shocked,, the hearts of some worry. This, along with Zhang Hu Meng, Syria played typical full and yellow, Cheap Oakleys Sunglasses Battalion led by Spike, and twenty thousand ordinary soldiers on their way, ready to go Huaili County. However, from the current situation, obviously wrong.

Meng army stationed where Lu Meng, Huang Syria and typical full, and Can Wang Meng 's military advisor assigned to the law is. Four people sitting in a large tent to discuss things....... Large off-balance, came a rapid footsteps. Zhang Hu went to the big tent door, opened the curtain and went inside the tent, respectful towards you used to line a ceremony. Soon, Zhang was to sit in the big tent, Chen Sheng said : General, has been probing the case Maarten weekend army. According to Maarten march route to see, Oakley sunglasses Xinping go and ran, but the arrangement of the army camp from Maarten to count, at least 80,000 people, and Cheap Oakleys Sunglasses only 20,000 people may find it difficult to deal with ah !

Meanwhile, the typical full and Syria also look pale yellow. Eighty thousand troops for the 20,000 troops, the gap is too big now. France is touched submandibular hairy stubble, a rare expression also changed. Although the law is arrogant, but not proud, nor arrogant. Cheap Oakleys Sunglasses I heard that there are 80,000 people Maarten hearts are also some concerns about the strength of the two sides, after all, not so far away, twenty thousand people want positive defeated 80,000 people, is very coach factory outlet difficult. Meng thinking about it, and asked: military advisor, Cheap Oakleys Sunglasses there any way ?


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